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This website does not use cookies or other bullshit, like (unfortunately) most other websites. No personal data is requested here either. Communication with me is voluntary. I am not interested in compiling any statistics about visitors. I also don't write my web pages for search engines, like everyone else by now. There is information here for people, not for search engines. Whether this information is found by a search engine is absolutely irrelevant to me. Sometimes it is also better not to be found.

I recommend that resourceful lawyers who find fault with anything here first penetrate their own anus and then let me know what they find fault with. Anyone who wants to take legal action against me needs a lot of stamina, and I also have a pretty thick skin and the necessary financial background to drag out any proceedings for decades. So think about it at least twice. You will not enjoy it.

Unfortunately, imprints and data protection statements are a necessary evil in this day and age, lest my anus be penetrated by a warning lawyer. Even though practically no one is really interested in all the legal nonsense when they visit my website. It's hardly surprising that people today no longer run their own private websites and are only on the move in social networks to be patronised there. At least there you are relatively safe from such anuspenetrators, if you don't leave really bad law-breaking things there.